
Showing posts from June, 2022

Where to from here? Outlook from 2022+

Interest rates increases Stock market crashes Superannuation, 401k crashes Real estate crashes Negative equity (loan > asset value) Federal government purchase of bad mortgages i.e. Mortgage Backed Securities  State owned housing Inflation increase Cost of living (food, energy, petrol, rent) Savings devalued and destroyed, bank bail ins Housing unaffordable  The Solution: Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC) Interest rates decrease (and go negative) Universal Basic Income (UBI) Digital ID (myGov linked to social media linked to CDBC linked to carbon footprint linked to medical records linked to education) then social credit score and DNA Mass surveillance and facial recognition (linked to digital ID) Social media accounts require Know Your Customer (KYC) and the censorship of 'misinformation' The accelerators: War Green new deal (ban ICE, carbon tax, energy rationing)